Have you ever had your phone die but still needed to send a text message? Or maybe you are working on your laptop and don’t have a cell phone signal? You can send a text message from your email to the person you are trying to reach. The only catch is that you do need to know the other persons cell phone provider.

send text messages from your computer

Send Text Through Email:
  • AT&T: @text.att.net
  • Boost Mobile: @sms.myboostmobile.com
  • Cricket: @sms.mycricket.com
  • Metro PCS: @mymetropcs.com
  • Sprint: @messaging.sprintpcs.com
  • T-Mobile: @tmomail.net
  • U.S. Cellular: @email.uscc.net
  • Verizon: @vtext.com (or @vzwpix.com to send video & pictures)
  • Virgin Mobile: @vmobl.com

Example: If you wanted to send a text message to your friend who is with Sprint and their phone number is 321-987-6543 you would email 321-987-6543@messaging.sprintpcs.com and they would get your email via text message. If the email is long it will be broken up into multiple text messages. When they respond back it will go to your email inbox where you sent it from.

If there are other carriers you would like me to add to this list make a comment below and I will add to this list. So next time your in the airport, out of the country or don’t have cell phone service you can still keep in contact with friends and family.


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